At one time, not so long ago, this was my travel blog, where I expressed all my worldly adventures and experiences of my summer abroad. Upon my arrival back to the States, I thought about what exactly I wanted to do with this blog. I knew I did not want to discontinue it, as I have had much fun sharing my experiences and expressing myself through this medium. I figured though I would be back home, I would still be going on some fascinating adventures, just domestically. I knew these would not be as exciting as my previous excursions through the west coast, on down under to Australia and in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, in Fiji but like I said, I really enjoy blogging!
Unfortunately, my aspirations of continuing a local travel blog came to a crashing halt when I was injured at the end of August. The thing I looked forward to most about coming home was getting myself back in shape and back in the game of Ultimate Frisbee. Despite having such an incredible experience overseas, there were a few burdens I carried back to the states with me. Number one, was the large hole I burned in my pocket while abroad. I certainly made sure that I lived it up and didn't hold back while I was gone... Not one single penny! Oh wait, they don't have pennies in Australia, okay okay, not one single dollar (even worse)! I don't regret this part of my experience, however, I do wish I had approached my financial situation in a different manner.
The second burden I brought back with me was several unwanted kilos. There are endless excuses I could make to justify my poor health decisions but like I said, I wasn't going to hold back and I do not regret it. Having realized this, of course I jumped right back into action the moment I was over my jet-lag. Sadly I took a leap that my brain was ready for but my body wasn't. Literally.
In my very first game of casual ultimate frisbee with my friends back in the US, I tore my ACL. Initially I was devastated. How could the only thing I wanted since coming home be ripped away from me like this? How would I ever get back in shape? How would I ever get back to regular body size? How will I ever be involved in my last year of Ultimate Frisbee at MY COLLEGE?!
Let me remind you that this was over 6 weeks ago, and I have since come to a much more positive outlook on my situation. No longer will this be the travel blog that it started as. I am now changing it to my stationary blog. Because being stationary, is not a bad thing. Had my injury not taken place, I would never of had a chance to reflect on my transition back to the United States. I would never have been given an opportunity to look at the life I have been living through out my college years and realize what I don't like about it and how I want to change it. Yes there are things that I will now have to miss out on, such as playing the sport that I love with the team that I love. But that doesn't mean I can't be involved. In fact, I am now holding an off-field leadership position. I am investing all of my energy into my team itself, not myself and the team.
As for my actual health status, it's going to be loooooong journey... wait, what? I thought this was a stationary blog!
Well yeah, I am physically stationary at the moment but I must keep moving forward mentally and emotionally, in order to stay strong throughout this hardship. I now must watch my diet, something I have NEVER in my entire life had to do. I've always enjoyed multiple stops at WaWa each week and never even through twice about it. Another way I plan on taking charge of my health is by settling down from partying. I realized as much fun as you can have partying, I've had enough of it... And I'm not even 21! I have the rest of my life to party. For now, I'm focusing on getting healthy and finishing out my senior year of college with a clear mind.
Our lives move at such a fast pace, many people, including myself, don't take the time to look around and find out what truly makes them happy. Well I'm not putting up with it any more. I'm living my life at my own pace and doing what's best for me.
So here's to my stationary journey, a road to recovery, health & happiness. This blog may not be as exciting as its origin but I'm pretty sure at least my mom will read it. And for anyone else who does, please feel free to give any positive advice that you may have :) I appreciate any input from the amazing people in my life.
Peace & love